יום שבת, 25 במאי 2013

what is herpes

What is Herpes?
what is herpes

Many suffer from onset of small pimples and occasional blisters on the lips and the sides of the mouth, and these lesions call folk names "cold sores" and "fever sores", when in fact these outbreaks of herpes virus hidden in our body, usually since childhood. You should know that in fact there is a whole family of herpes viruses that attack the people - the person. This family of viruses are referred to as "the herpes simplex" ("herpes simplex" or "human herpes virus"). We caught most of us girls kindergarten and at least one family of herpes virus, and it remains forever hidden within our bodies to a renewed outbreak. Viruses are not detected by the immune system and destroyed, and burst following other general illness, sun exposure, severe diet, and stress periods. Hence the nickname "opportunistic", ie exploiters of opportunities.

Some people suffer recurrent outbreaks of herpes viruses, others not so much. It is important to remember that these highly contagious viruses, especially for children and toddlers. It is also important to remember that pregnant women should be especially careful infection, for example after contact with secretions of children, because in rare cases may harm pregnant.

Herpes simplex common types:

• Herpes 1 ("oral herpes") causes skin sores face, lips and oral tissue.
• Herpes 2 primarily causes genital sores.
• Herpes three causes chickenpox in children and adults shingles (zoster) - the appearance of burn wounds in one area of ​​the body on one side only.
• Herpes 4 (EBV) and Herpes five (CMV) disease primarily associated kiss and teratogenic.
Herpes of the mouth and lips: oral herpes (herpes 1) and herpes Labielis

Initial adhesion of different children re outburst adult mouth, and it will pass on its own within 7-10 days. She looks a collection of oral tissue wounds and lips, and sometimes the skin. At this very contagious sores in the mouth and avoid contact between the child and other people, especially other children. There prevent the child from picking wounds, since it can cause infection elsewhere in the body by moving your fingers and mouth virus in the body.

20% of the population has repeated appearance of herpes one during life, especially sores on the lips and corners of the mouth, a phenomenon known as "herpes Labielis." Phenomenon primarily associated with a reduced immune resistance, stress, strict diet, excessive exposure to sunlight and UV rays, etc.. Before applying polish Zovirks wounds will prevent the outbreak of eruption or at least shorten the duration of emergence

How to get rid of herpes? 
what is herpes

• There is no drug treatment except supportive care for children - download heat if, drink tea with honey, propolis toothpaste, lip cold drinks great, ice cream, etc..
• appropriate adult toothpaste Zovirks, especially if smeared when the wound appeared precursors - itching lips, tingling etc.. Today Zovirks sold over the counter and is considered safe and effective.
• Not to antibiotics - Herpes is a virus, and thus is not affected by antibiotics!
• do not apply ointment containing steroids (like Oracourt) or swallow steroids without a doctor's prescription - may be rare but severe complications, to brain abscesses!
Remedies and vegan preparations against herpes:

• Vegan ointment called Half-S, containing chamomile, propolis, Acnitzah and more.
• SOREND, which is a spray containing carob extract and other herbs.
• Apply a little tahini and honey on the lesion.
• Finjan cook black coffee. After boiling the coffee filter with gauze, and coffee granules to put on a piece of cotton and put on the wound.
• make compresses of cotton soaked in her daughter Melissa fresh off at least 5 times a day.
• peel or cut leaf of Aloe Vera cactus. And apply the aloe vera cactus directly secreted herpes sores. Aloe Vera subsitute can be found on this store.